Category: Weekly Summaries

  • Week 8 Summary

    This week was a good week fresh off spring break with room to breathe! Feeling the creative juices flow and for once not completely dreading a group project. Introverted with social anxiety is not a great combination when it comes to group projects. Still my fear of failure is stronger than my fear of people.…

  • Week 7

    It’s the week before spring break, I have been very involved with Canva this week using it for almost every project, so that was interesting, I have used it throughout college be consistently forget how helpful it can be, mostly cause a lot of it requires getting the subscription and people tend to remember the…

  • Weekly Summary 6

    This week had good options and was fine, just hanging in there till spring break. Still thankful we only had to do 2 daily creates class wise good week personal wise less so. Still hopefully everyone else has a good week. Got stuff done and spent time editing videos in bed which was nice cause…

  • Weekly Summary 5

    This week was rather busy due to all the snow and midterm exams, feeling tired and drained. Grumble…. May everyone else have a good week! The video essay was actually more interesting than the I thought it would be hopefully next week is the same. Spent more time going through the article and videos then…

  • Week 4 Summary

    I admittedly was trying to avoid doing audio assignments since they required me to download stuff but looks like I couldn’t avoid them in the end. Since I was busy, I had to get them done within two days. I was lost for this since it was such a wide range of possibilities, I am…

  • Weekly Summary 3

    Weekly Summary 3

    Reflection This was probably my least favorite part of this week’s work, why read an article when you can create after all, so it ended up being my last task of the week. Probably should have skipped the money video I was confused and uncomfortable the whole time. Photoblitz Honestly, I was at work when…

  • Weekly Summary 2

    Weekly Summary 2

    Today’s weekly summary Image is brought to you by the scene of the back Woodard window by me. Number one is always a good place to start Learn How to Write Assignment Posts. The Work Itself Telling the Story Behind the Story Narrating the Process As with most things even if you work for hours…

  • First Week Summary

    Well, I made a website. Now I just have to make it look more like it’s actually mine. That is a fight for another day though. There are truly so many guides I can hear my fan huffing and puffing And you are telling me that the first month hasn’t even passed yet?! ;-; The…